Featuring a powerful music player in every page and automatic content importer!
Download LabelPro - Responsive Music Wordpress Theme
LabelPro - Responsive Music Wordpress Theme Features
- Powerful audio player with playlist Discover more
- EXCLUSIVE: Continuous play across pages and between playlist
- Custom post types: Release, Artist, Podcast with AMAZING FEATURES
- Super easy to use and populate! (No skills needed)
- EXCLUSIVE: Mixcloud podcasts auto importer!
- Exclusive templates for any post type
- Filterable animated podcasts archive
- Auto embedding player for Mixcloud, Soundcloud and Youtube
- Social Networks ready to increase your popularity
- Powerful setup page with QantumPro Admin Panel
- 24 Dark and Light Skins ready for any brand colour scheme
- 4 Color Pickers to fast-customization
- Custom Background Image uploader
- Jquery Fulscreen Background option
- Logo uploader up to 940 px width
- Custom CSS input: customize it as fast as the light!
- Custom FAVICON uploader
- 4 Customizable Modules
- Amazing new releases carousel
- Totally customizable
- 3 sidebars module to widgetize your home
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap framework (HTML5 + CSS3)
- Totally Responsive and well-looking on any device
- Responsive slider with auto switch from NIVO to Bootstrap
- Cross Browser from IE7 to Chrome and mobile browsers
- 5 Custom post-type templates to highlight any detail
- Amazing Animations made with jquery and CSS3
- Auto lightbox images zoom
- Widgetizable footer
- Stop limiting your font choice between a few bounce of fonts!
- Create free your font-face and just upload it to activate!
- Choose between over 800 fonts!
- ULTRA CUSTOMIZABLE Facebook Fanbox Widget
- ULTRA CUSTOMIZABLE Twitter Feeds Widget
- Easily add Like, Tweet and +1 Buttons
- Optional automatic embedding of Facebook SDK
- Auto embedding of Google+ script
- Over 24 Social Icons in header and Artist’s pages
- Tidy and well commented source code, easy to scale and customize
- WP admin bar visibility switch
- Google Analytics ready
- Developed with SEO in mind
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