Spark - The Perfect Landing Page

In order to effectively sell your app, software package or any other type of product online, you need a website that sparks interest for your product, generates desire, and provides visitors with all the right reasons to become your happy customers. All this can be accomplished with a single usable, well designed page. The Spark Landing Page is the perfect such solution because it distills what is great about your product by giving customers a bird’s-eye view of the features and benefits they are getting.

Spark - The Perfect Landing Page

Spark - The Perfect Landing Page Features

  • Usable and appealing design to attract attention and maximize conversions

  • Easy to modify or add new content

  • Two different layouts, one geared towards businesses seeking to promote their mobile apps, the other towards companies selling software or any other type of digital or physical products

  • Two color themes – light and dark

  • jQuery lightbox overlay for video with customized skins

  • jQuery Nivo image slider

  • jQuery testimonial rotator

  • jQuery smooth page scroll

  • Six custom designed icons for the feature area and four more for social media websites

  • Awesome, usable contact form using jQuery for validation and animation

  • Source .png and .psd files with named layer folders

  • Detailed and easy to read documentation


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